Every man is probably interested in ways to change the size of his penis. On various medical and "amateur" forums a lot of advice is given, ranging from the use of all kinds of creams, ointments, exercises and ending with serious operations.
But be that as it may, penis enlargement is an extremely delicate topic, and each man determines for himself the appropriate methods for solving such a problem.
Plastic surgeons offer a radical way to change the size and volume of the penis. However, such an intervention is fraught with certain difficulties. The issue is the anatomy of the penis, which significantly increases the risk of complications during this procedure.
The structure of the penis consists of several main structural units. There are two corpora cavernosa located on the sides and a spongy body that surrounds the external part of the urethra. These bodies are cavities divided into smaller gaps by partitions of thin connective tissue. Thanks to this structure, they quickly fill with blood, resulting in an erection.
The internal tissue of the penis is penetrated by blood vessels and the skin is covered with a large number of nerve receptors, most of which are concentrated in the glans region. That is why, to change the shape and size of the penis, you must categorically abandon the "old-fashioned" methods.
Thus, doctors categorically do not recommend doing do-it-yourself Synthol injections, various solutions used in cosmetology and carrying out other similar procedures. These manipulations are fraught with extremely serious complications, including septic blood poisoning.
As a rule, if a man consults a doctor with doubts about the possibility of correcting the size of his penis, doctors suggest surgical intervention.
Today there are several types of operations aimed at increasing the length of the penis:
- ligamentotomy;
- penile prostheses;
- lipofilling;
- transplantation of the muscle tissue itself.
Ligamentotomy is one of the most common surgical methods for lengthening the penis. The essence of the operation is to excise the tendon ligament, which on the one hand is attached to the bony structures of the pelvis, and on the other hand helps to hold the penis. As a result of the intervention, a part of the organ hidden inside the body is released (approximately 3 to 5 cm).
The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts from 40 minutes to an hour. The rehabilitation period is about 3-4 weeks. During this period, the patient is advised to use an extender constantly. Naturally, regular dressing changes and compliance with all doctor's recommendations are necessary.

Such an operation has a number of advantages. The procedure does not affect nerve endings, large blood vessels or muscles. This minimizes the risk of possible complications. The cost of the procedure varies depending on the choice of clinic, the characteristics of the preparatory phase and the rehabilitation period. Ultimately, the operation can cost between US$170 and US$200 when performed in a public clinic and up to US$1, 000 in a private hospital.
The most complex surgical intervention is penile prosthesis. As a rule, it is carried out according to strict medical indications (congenital structural features of the genital organs, traumatic amputation, impotence, etc. ). During the procedure, an implant made of hypoallergenic plastic or silicone is installed in the internal tissues of the penis.
The cost of this device can reach ten thousand dollars, but the appearance of the penis will not be much different from the real one. To the price of the implant, you must also add the operation itself, which can cost another $3, 000-5. 000.
Penile prosthesis is characterized by a very long rehabilitation period, requiring constant monitoring by a doctor, use of various medications and total abstinence from sexual activity. Consequently, the risk of side effects increases.
A gentler option for correcting the shape of the penis is injections of so-called fillers. Such techniques are aimed not only at lengthening the penis, but also at increasing its volume. Fillers can be synthetic hyaluronic acid or the patient's own fat cells. Lipofilling is a little more expensive, but it also causes fewer complications. However, the result of such a procedure does not last long. On average, penis size changes by 1 to 1. 5 cm, but fillers dissolve within several months.
Sometimes patients are offered a so-called muscle transplant. This is a rather complicated plastic surgery, during which the size of the penis is increased using the patient's own muscle tissue, which, roughly speaking, surrounds the outer sheath of the penis. In this way, it is possible to enlarge the penis by 3-4 cm. This surgical intervention is classified as traumatic and is characterized by a long recovery period (up to 2 months). This manipulation will cost approximately $4, 000-5. 000.

Naturally, operations to change the length of the penis have a number of contraindications.
So, they are not carried out when:
- poor blood clotting;
- at an early age (up to 18-21 years old);
- infections of the urinary system and epidermal covering of the penis (regardless of etiology);
- autoimmune diseases;
- severe damage to the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, liver, kidneys;
- some chronic pathologies.
Furthermore, it is not advisable to carry out the operation if there are hormonal imbalances (at least until the functioning of the endocrine system is normalized). In some cases, the surgeon recommends that the patient consult a psychologist first. The fact is that most representatives of the stronger sex have a penis length that does not exceed 15 cm.
Therefore, if the size of the manhood "fits" into the generally accepted 12-16 cm in a state of excitement, you need to think carefully about the advisability of such a serious surgical procedure.
Such an operation can cause a number of complications:
- loss of sensitivity of nerve endings;
- secondary bacterial infection;
- scar formation;
- bleeding;
- decreased power.
Perhaps you first need to try simpler and safer methods, for example, perform some exercises at home, use accessories, stretch fabrics with special devices (extenders and vacuum pumps that work on the principle of a compression-distraction apparatus). Good results are also observed when applying various medications to the skin of the penis and using folk remedies (in particular, drinking soda).
Sometimes the problem isn't that the penis is too short or thin. Sometimes a man suffers from erectile dysfunction, which is successfully corrected with the help of special pills.
How to Enlarge Your Penis: Topical Products
A relatively safe way to enlarge the penis is a variety of ointments, creams and gels.
They can contain a variety of components, the main ones being:
- enzymes;
- amino acids;
- vitamins;
- synthetic and vegetable components.
This combination provides the biological effect of such drugs, which is as follows:
- strengthening the wall of blood vessels in the penis;
- increasing the metabolic rate in cells and tissues;
- activation of blood flow in the vessels of the penis;
- increased sensitivity of nerve endings in the skin of the penis.
This combination of biological effects guarantees an increase in erection and prolongation of sexual intercourse. According to the manufacturers of these products, several weeks of regular use will help solve the problem of how to enlarge the penis. But in practice, the results are not so encouraging. In fact, the size of the penis increases, but with the combined use of a cream or spray with exercise, gymnastics and the use of extenders.
Such preparations are applied as follows: the required amount of cream is squeezed onto the index finger or sprayed onto the skin of the penis (when using a spray) and evenly distributed in a thin layer along the entire length of the penis. The procedure is repeated twice a day - in the morning and in the evening after carrying out the usual hygiene measures. Do not wash off the product and wait until it is completely absorbed into the skin. If necessary, dry the remainder with a paper towel.
The advantage of these funds is the absence of a systemic effect. The medicines act directly in the area of application, therefore there are practically no contraindications to their use. But it is better to refrain from using them if you are prone to allergic reactions and are individually intolerant to the components of the cream or spray. Furthermore, the use of such medications should be temporarily abandoned if rashes, dermatoses or damage to the skin of the penis appear.
To solve the problem of how to enlarge the penis, it is recommended to use the following means:
- a cream that contains amino acids (L-arginine and glycine), magnesium and guarana extract, thanks to which the product has a positive effect on the length and volume of the penis;
- spray based on vitamins, minerals, pectins and essential oils. The manufacturers of the spray guarantee penis enlargement by up to 35% within 1-1. 5 months of use;
- a product with betaine, arginine and other amino acids can be sprayed on the skin of the penis twice a day and applied just before sexual intercourse; It will not only help to lengthen the penis but also improve erections.
As a rule, the use of such medications is not accompanied by complications. In isolated cases, the appearance of itching, rash and burning is observed. This indicates the development of an allergic reaction. In this case, the product must be washed off the skin with running water and try to replace it with another cream or spray.
Forums advise applying anticoagulant ointment to the skin, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. However, this medication should be used with extreme caution due to the high risk of side effects.
Increasing the volume of the penis: use of alternative medicine, exercises and massages, various devices
It is possible to prevent the development of erectile dysfunction, improve potency and libido, and increase the effectiveness of other penis enlargement methods using a variety of folk remedies.

It is recommended to take ready-made pharmaceutical preparations orally based on:
- horse chestnut;
- ginkgo biloba;
- ginseng;
- Echinacea purpurea;
- Rhodiola rosea.
Extracts from these plants are included in tablets and ready-made tinctures. They are taken as directed for several months. You can add thyme, linden blossom, lemon, raspberries and currants to tea. The use of wormwood infusion also brings good results. To do this, pour a teaspoon of plant seeds with two glasses of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and filter. The resulting drink is divided into three equal parts and taken 3 times a day before meals.
Hirudotherapy is also helpful. When attached to the skin, a leech releases dozens of unique biologically active substances into the bloodstream. They are attached to the lower back, pubis, inner thighs and other reflex points, which will be determined by the hirudotherapist after examining the patient.
Increasing the volume and length of the penis is perfectly possible with the help of a series of exercises that combine stretching and massage movements. The most common and effective technique is jelqing. This exercise helps to add the much-desired centimeters not only to the length, but also to the thickness of the genital organ.
The essence of this technique is as follows. The base of the penis is held firmly with the thumb and forefinger. Then, without opening them, move your hand forcefully towards your head. To make it easier to glide over the skin, you can apply a lubricant to the penis before performing the exercise.
The movements should be rhythmic, moving the fingers from the base to the head should take about 3-4 minutes, then the hand is changed. You should start with a small number of repetitions and then increase the number of movements to 200 (one hundred with each hand).
More tangible results can be achieved using certain devices. Extenders, designed to stretch the tissues of the penis, have gained more popularity. Modern modifications are more expensive, but they are more convenient to use, designed for prolonged use throughout the day and do not cause discomfort or pain.

All extenders are attached to the base of the penis, but differ in the method of attachment to the glans region. Modified devices securely cover the head, which eliminates the possibility of complications.
Vacuum pumps are easier to use. The action of these devices is based on creating a vacuum in the penis area, which stimulates a sharp flow of blood and metabolic processes in the tissues. They are a little cheaper than extenders, but less effective. Most often they are used to improve erection.
Increasing the volume of the penis with an almost 100% guarantee is possible only through surgical intervention. However, this procedure is quite traumatic and can cause several side effects. Therefore, if there are no serious problems, doctors recommend starting with exercises and extenders, and if there is no effect, seek help from a plastic surgeon.